REMINDER: This blog is solely the views of Edju Martin and does not reflect the views of the WCCC as a whole
So, it’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog, partly because of my insane schedule, and partly because we’ve been podcasting. I’m going to try to post at least once a month, on Monday nights we don’t record 12 Points.
That said, I’ve been thinking about all of the colorful nicknames that you see around cornhole. This post will cover our Winner’s Circle Cornhole Club members, and a future post will cover those not in the club. Let’s do this!
Jeff Bachand – Yeah, he’s a member! He’s said himself he likes Backhand, and I’m sure his last name has been butchered to smithereens over the years.
Chris Baril – Hot Rod! This is an old school one that predates the club.
Dave Baumert – Dave The Mexican, duh. DTM for short is often used too. There was a recent attempt at making Headphone Huggz a thing, but that kind of blows.
Shane Bieber – Biebs or Beebs, however you want to spell it. Not the most creative but it works.
Rich Bushway – One of a handful of people who most people call by their last name, so Bushway it is. Of course, someone does call him “My Bush”.
Gary Clifford – I’ll aggravate him sometimes by calling him Gary G. Clifford Jr. for no good reason. Well, I guess aggravating Gary is a good enough reason, right?
Chris Cole – Another last namer. Too many people named Chris in cornhole, so we get Cole.
Eric Connolly – There was a movement to call him ECon, which thankfully went nowhere.
Peter Conti – Pistol Pete! Of course, there are people that can tell you how I almost drove us off the Tobin Bridge one day when we called Peter from my car and my car’s voice replaced the O in his last name with a U…
Tiffanylee Cross – Tiff. Tiffany sounds weird for her and there’s no way on God’s green earth I’m going to try to spit out Tiffanylee every time.
Zack Hoover – Hoov, of course, though it’s funny when I call him Sack.
Dan Leahy – Mookie. Don’t know why, but I know that it’s been Mookie forever. His father is Omar for reasons unknown to me to boot.
Ed Lepore – Big Ed, although he’s rapidly becoming Medium Ed.
Cameron Martin – He likes Cam, and I used to call him Bubby when he was little. He’s going to kill me when he sees this, but that’s revenge for him foisting that terrible Elf movie on me. ELF SUCKS
Ryan McConville – DJ 195. All I’m going to say is that a lap dance was involved in coining that one. (EDIT: I was told it’s DJ 190)
Donny McPhee – The Voice, obviously.
Marc Murphy – Probably the most self-given one on this list, Money Marc. (EDIT: I’ve been reliably informed that the crew in North Andover bestowed this one)
Johnny Odenbach – Johnny O. What an old school name, sounds like a character on Happy Days.
Mike Pigatti – Another last namer, and it’s unique enough that it never needs clarification.
Elissa Rockwell – She will ALWAYS be Lissa to me, dammit.
Jake Rockwell – Another Hot Rod!
Jesob Rockwell – We got a couple here, Boogy and Mike Pancake. I’ll let you figure those out.
Dylan Tosi – Apparently everyone else besides cornhole people call him Tosi. I’ve been known to call him Tosi Salad, though.
John Warren – Since he’s the second John Warren we know, he’s The Other John Warren, right down to the entry in my phone.
Did I miss any?